KLAVA Vision Statement:

KLAVA is dedicated to achieving high performance growth and grass root development of youth volleyball in Kuala Lumpur and for the future of Volleyball in the country.

Our Mission Statement:

BUILDTo build the base – We seek to expand our membership, increase the number of volunteers and extend our reach in order to engage as many people as possible in the sport of volleyball.

PROMOTETo promote the sport – We seek to promote all aspects of the sport in order to generate as many positive public recognition (Kuala Lumpur) as possible that in turn will lead to increase of participations (Players, Coaches and Referees) from Indoor Volleyball to Beach Volleyball training programs to competitive volleyball.

ACHIEVETo achieve sustained competitive successes – We seek to continue the tradition of performance based successes to the highest levels of national competitions, especially at the SUKMA Games (Gold Medal) and other national tournament through efforts in grass root development programs.

KLAVA 35th Anniversary Dinner

Saturday, January 24, 2009


The Referees Committee of Kuala Lumpur Amateur Volleyball Association (KLAVA) with the cooperation of Kolej Ke-Sembilan, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur would be conducting its "Kursus Pengadilan Bola Tampar Peringkat Negeri 2009" (State Referee Candidate Course 2009) on the 27-29 March 2009 and 4-5 April 2009 at Kolej Ke-Sembilan, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.

Application is open to all citizens of Malaysia above 18 years of age, especially those studying, working or residing in Kuala Lumpur. Places are limited to a maximum of 40 candidates, based on a "first come, first serve" basis. Upon completion and successfully passing the theory and practical examinations, candidates would be recognized and awarded with a certificate as a "State Referee Candidate". This certificate is endorsed and recognized by the Malaysia Volleyball Association (MAVA).

For further information, kindly contact:

Mr. Joseph Gerard - Chairman, Referees Committee, KLAVA.
HP: 012-213 9287 , email: jgerard@tm.net.my
En. Abd. Rahman Ahmad - Hon. Secretary, Referees Committee, KLAVA.
HP: 019-248 5035 , email: ah_man64@yahoo.com

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